Watch: Great white shows off stealth in incredible seal kill footage

Posted by Gabrielle Jacobs on 8 August 2019

Footage of a great white shark hunting a Cape fur seal in Gansbaai in the Western Cape has surfaced, showing off the shark’s split-second decisiveness and predatory skill.

Gansbaai, about two hours from Cape Town, is famous for being the white shark capital of the world. Its presence of white sharks has led to a section of the ocean being named Shark Alley.

Discovery Channel’s recent Shark Week featured impressive new surveillance footage showing just how quickly this stealthy marine predator can hunt its prey.

In the video, a team of researchers and shark cage conservation tour company, Marine Dynamics work together to capture the footage.

A lone white shark is stalking a handful of seals near a rock, but moves off in search of better prospects. The shark heads towards the shallows, where a unwitting seal, separated from the group, swims right into its pathway a couple metres away. The slight twitch of the shark’s head as it realises that the seal is alone and within reach leads to an incredibly quick propulsion as it goes for the kill in an instant.

‘Shame, that seal did absolutely everything wrong!’ sympathised shark expert Chris Fallows, watching footage with marine biologist Alison Towner and skilful drone pilot Dean Engela.

The clear, turquoise waters become a bit bloodied, as does the trail of the shark slowly swimming away, but not without thrashing around aggressively with its fresh catch.

Said marine biologist Towner: ‘It was the fastest recognition of prey I’ve ever seen.’

Also read:

Eco-friendly barriers to protect ‘shark-attack capital’

Featured image: Dean Engela/Discovery Go/Youtube

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