Put Foot Rally Day 15 – Mozambique from the left

Posted by Tyson Jopson on 10 July 2012

Day 15

Campismo Jesus e Bom, Tete, to White Sands, Inhambane
Distance:  880 kilometres

Day 15 of the Put Foot Rally was another day of fierce driving fraught with crooked cops, potholes and a seemingly endless battle for connectivity. Of course, this meant that most of my day was spent in the car, on the left of the car to be precise. I took in the landscape (on the left) as we steamed on by.

We stopped along the road to hand out some more soccer balls to local kids, something we’ve been doing in each country along the way (check out the Facebook album here). I’m not sure who gets more out of it, us or the kids, but there’s something incredibly fulfilling about crossing both a language and culture barrier with a simple gesture and a smile.

We stopped in Chimoio, where Dan Nash and I jumped ship and caught a ride to Inhambane with the @Rally4Rhinos team. Compared to trundling along in the HQ Taxi we were travelling at light speed, a welcome change of pace considering the distance still to cover. That night we slept on the beach. I awoke to the sound of the ocean and a lady selling me a pineapple … how distinctly Mozambican.

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