New Zealand, we need to talk about your hobbit travel videos

Posted by Tyson Jopson on 13 November 2014

Unless you’ve been living in Gollum’s cave for the last week, you’ll most likely have seen Air New Zealand’s latest in-flight video. It’s the third in their line of Hobbit-themed airline safety videos and just one of the country’s destination marketing videos drenched in Middle Earthiness.

new zealand

Frankly, New Zealand, I think you’ve gone too far this time.

The first one was cute. The succeeding onslaught, which featured an Elven weather man and a helicopter flying over the Shire that wasn’t even trying to look like a dragon (lazy!), prompted me to wonder if there was, in fact, a real Middle Earth hovering around Australia’s bottom.

The latest, well, leads me to believe that I’ll definitely run into some orcs while I’m holidaying there (not ideal) and leaves me with more questions than answers.


What the hell are you putting in your in-flight drinks?

And, more importantly,

Do I get to fly on an ACTUAL EAGLE?


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