Why you shouldn’t put your luggage on your bed

Posted by Leila Stein on 2 December 2019

When most of us are packing for our holiday or have arrived at our hotel room, we instinctively put our suitcases on the bed. This is because it’s higher than the floor, making packing and unpacking easier. But, have you ever stopped to consider where your suitcase has been? Here are two keys reasons not to put your luggage on your bed.

Dirty wheels

Most bags have wheels these days to make it easier to drag around the airport or to your car. But have you ever stopped to think about where those wheels have been? Trudging through airport bathrooms, along pavements and other icky places. Giving your wheels a good clean after with some sanitising wipes after every trip can help minimise the collection of dirt and germs, but it will still make you think twice about putting them onto your bed.

Bed bugs

Hotels, guesthouses and AirBnbs are often cleaned as best as possible by those who look after them. But with so many people sleeping in these rooms, sometimes little bedbugs can creep in. If you place your luggage on the bed, this makes it possible for the blood-sucking bugs to creep into your luggage and take a trip home with you.

Best place for your luggage

According to Apartmenttherapy.com, the best option when it comes to storing luggage while away is in the bathroom. This might seem absurd but when trying to avoid possible bed bugs this is your best bet. If you aren’t particularly concerned about bed bugs but acknowledge that your suitcase has gone through many unclean environments, then the luggage rack is still your best option. These are in almost all hotel rooms and are the perfect height to ensure unpacking and repacking is easy, without letting your dirty wheels touch your bed.


Image: Unsplash

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