Three men, one Australian and two Chinese, were stabbed on Hulhimalé island in the Maldives on Tuesday 4 February. Three men claimed responsibility for the attack in a video posted online on Thursday, and are self-confessed Islamic State sympathisers, according to The Guardian.
Of the victims, one Chinese man was a tourist while the other Chinese man and Australian man worked in the city. Three people have been arrested in relation to the incident, police said.
‘The Maldives Police Service is working closely with all relevant stakeholders in this matter, and assures the public of our continued efforts to ensure the safety and security of those in Maldives,’ the police said in a statement.
The video posted by the self-confessed attackers features three masked men accusing the Maldivian government of ‘being run by infidels,’ claiming the attacks were aimed at damaging the country’s tourism industry and warning that more attacks were coming according to Police said they were working to confirm the legitimacy of the video.
Image: Unsplash
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