The best travel competition ever?

Posted on 28 January 2013

Bored at work? Tired of the same old same old? Dying to see a place that’s not your living room but have no cash to fund a trip? Well, My Destination just came up with your solution.

Six months, six continents, all expenses paid. In other words, The Biggest, Baddest Bucket list. Remember that phrase, you’ll be hearing a lot of it in these coming months.

My Destination’s Biggest, Baddest, Bucket list is one of the largest travel competitions yet to take flight and you’re just in time to get on. With six full months of travel to be had, just imagine all the things you can tick off that bucket list that you’ve buried so well in the back of your brain.

Now I know that with these things it’s all well and good to go on the trip of a lifetime and to not pay for anything, but then you’re broke and jobless when you get home. Not to worry, they thought of that too. On your return you’ll receive a $50 000 cash prize (that’s about R450 000) to enjoy as you please.

My Biggest Baddest Buck list is happening in partnership with Vaitor, Travelex and and the guest judge is Ben Southall – winner of Best Job in the World. Click here to visit the website for this epic event.

So what will be judged? Your awesomeness, off course.


How to enter


1. Make a video

Shoot a video of your favourite destination. Include its best bits, its hidden bits, your favourite bits and all the bits that make it so incredible. Make your passion for this destination tangible. Don’t worry, you don’t need to have the best camera or cameraman, the resolution won’t count. What counts is your energy, creativity and how you present your destination to the world.


2. Write a story

Tell the crowd about your most memorable travel experience. Make them laugh, make them cry or make them smarter – it doesn’t matter, just do it in 500 words or less.


3. Add your pictures

To accompany your tale, you need three photos. If you don’t have them, re-enact the story. They should give your story that extra edge.


On 31 March 2013 entries close and on 12 April you’ll know if you’re in the top three. That gives you more than two months to show the world your passion for travel, your enthusiasm for adventure and the awesome personality that you’ll be taking with you on a six-month trip around the globe.

So what are you waiting for?


After watching this video, you’ll be even more excited to enter. You can also visit or get onto Twitter and find the hash tag #myBBB to see the latest developments. Follow @MyDestination and @MyDCapeTown to see what the masters behind the world’s most exciting travel competition are up to.



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