Avis Redsockers join the Put Foot Rally

Posted by Daryn Hillhouse on 2 April 2011

So, what do the organisers of Southern Africa’s event of the year do when they receive an entry from South Africa’s own gees machine?

The answer is ‘not much’. Not that we had a choice!  When the leader of the Redsockfriday wolfpack, Johnny Mc, knocked on our door dressed in his trademark SA Flag Speedo, it was either join the gees or be knocked off your feet by a team that creates more enthusiasm, vibrating excitement and thrust than any of SAA’s 747 jetliners! The door was open “¦ and in came the crew that would soon be challenging all the others!

With AVIS fully onboard the Put Foot Rally gees train, the AVIS Redsockfriday crew was born and so arrived The Redsockers. This unique crew literally blew the socks off of our feet, only to physically replace them with bright-red super socks!

Here is the good news! You can join Johnny Mc and The Redsockers on the Put Foot Rally 2011!  The crew are holding a competition where you can win a seat in the legendary AVIS Redsockfriday chariot!

All you have to do is get involved, grab some red socks off from their website and then use the site to show your gees.  Gees is an Afrikaans word meaning ‘spirit’. So this competition is about showing your spirit.  Anywhere, any time, any place.  Show those socks playing rugby, adventuring in the bush, in church, running a marathon or even your beloved girlfriend adorning them for you! The possibilities are endless!!  It’s simple – the most gees wins!

Key Dates:

11 – 25 March: Entries Open, join on http://www.redsockfriday.com

25 March: Spread the gees

8 April: Leaderboard is published

15 April: Finalists are announced

22 April: Finalists upload their 2 min Video of gees

6 May: Winner Announced!

Come 7 May, you could be packing your bags and joining one of the most insane crews on an epic African adventure through 7 countries, 7 checkpoints, 7 parties across 7000 km in 17 days!  Can you seriously afford to miss this incredible opportunity!

Join Johnny Mc on Twitter and on Facebook.

And don’t forget the Put Foot Rally Motto.

‘Get a life, or keep on dreaming’

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