Skills needed to build IT centres in Africa.

Posted by Ray Chaplin on 9 December 2010

Hi folks, I hope you’re all well.

As you know, the first human-powered circumnavigation of the world via the poles kicks off on Sunday 15 May 2011…. and will see me travel 75,000km around the world, enriching lives on kilometre at a time.

One of the many projects I am working on to coincide with the expedition is self-sufficient, environmentally friendly and sustainable IT centres which I look to roll-out across Africa. But, I need some help to put the project together. At the moment we’re costing them to get an accurate budget to work from, and we’ll then open this to corporates for funding / sponsorship.

Here’s a list of ‘services’ and products I require:
– Shipping containers [supply, refurb, transport]
– Interior designer [NOT decorator]
– Furniture [desks, chairs]
– Networking [cabling, cabinets, etc]
– Hardware & software [pc’s, projector, printer]
– Energy supply [solar panels, wind turbines, batteries, etc]

If you, in any way, able to assist with building the appropriate quotes and project plans with me… please e-mail me – [email protected]

Any form of assistance is appreciated, and will be credited in the appropriate channels.

Thanks in advance, chat soon

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