Mozambique’s Gaza province: off the beaten tourist track

Posted by Sarah Isaacs on 5 August 2011

Mozambique‘s southwest Gaza Province is not as touristy as neighbouring province Inhambane, but it offers visitors a taste of local food markets, rural living conditions and life without the fancy frills.

Out of the city and into the bush

After Maputo, we made our way to Covane Fishing and Safari Lodge in Mozambique’s northwest Gaza Province. Covane started in 2004 as a tourism venture, owned and managed by the community of Massingir – a small town 14 km from the lodge. Realising the need to increase their online visibility and marketing capacity, Covane partnered with Transfrontier Parks Destinations (TFPD) in 2010. With TFPD handling all their marketing and taking bookings from Cape Town, the partnership has thus far proven to be successful – for the lodge and in turn for the local community.

The first three hours out of Maputo were smooth sailing – good national road passing through bustling little towns with clean streets and colourful markets. We stopped in Chokwe to buy fresh fruit and veg and left with two bags full for a cool R50 (a great shopping experience – you’re free to wonder between stalls without being badgered). After Chokwe the road’s condition started to deteriorate. The 120 kilometres from Chokwe to Massingir took us three hours to drive thanks to an obstacle course of potholes, some stretching as wide as two metres. We made it safely to Massingir, where we detoured onto the 14-km, smooth sand track to Covane Lodge.

Covane’s traditional style bandas are located on a bushy plateau that overlooks the 30 000 hectare Massingir Dam. There is also the camping option and if you’re able to splurge, you can enjoy one of the three fully furnished houseboats on the dam. Fishing in the dam includes Tiger and Bream. There are also hikes and walking trails one can take as well as accompanied visits to Canhane – a small village 7km from the lodge. We opted for the village walk where I got a small glimpse of what its like to live without access to water (women have to walk 7km every day to fetch water from Massingir Dam). I left the village keenly aware of how lucky I am. Pothole-free tar roads, running water, electricity – these are luxuries uncommon to much of southern Africa.


Covane Fishing and Safari Lodge
Tel +258-2895-1030

Transfrontier Parks Destinations
Tel 021-701-7860

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