Five ways to free your inner child at Chapman’s Peak Caravan Park

Posted by Lauren Manuel on 5 April 2011

1.  Go camping at the Chapman’s Peak Caravan Park

Aside from just being a  great camping spot in Cape Town, Chapman’s Peak Caravan Park makes you feel like you’re far away from the bustling city. Situated in Noordhoek, it is an ultimate kid’s paradise, a place where both young and old can find some freedom and fun.

Just a little way from the caravans, tents and campers, lies a well-constructed playground with everything a kid, and those young at heart, could want to climb or play on.  Swings, colourful jungle gyms, old boats, a trampoline, a foefie slide and a merry-go-round are just some of the cool things to occupy your time before the braai is ready.

There is also a mini farmyard with one big cow, two younger cows, an abundance of pigs wallowing in the mud, peacocks, roosters, and a horse. And even if the playground and the animals begin to bore you, you can always take the kids and head to Noordhoek Beach down the road.

2. Brave the foefie slide

If you’re like me, and tend to mingle on the side of cautiousness, then you’ve probably wouldn’t dare fling yourself from a dizzy height into a body of water. I dared, and so should you.  Forget the feeling in your stomach before you leap off, and rather remember the exhilaration of flying down a foefie slide and landing in the water.

This one isn’t positioned over water, but it is also not that high either.  So if the kids are doing it, buck up and just let go –  not of the handle though.  Hold tight and keep your knees up until you reach a point near the end, then run to stop yourself ploughing into the grass!  Whatever you do, keep your head down to avoid a nice wire burn on your forehead, like mine.  Enjoy the freefall.

3. Hone your kung fu fighting skills on the trampoline

In the park you’ll find a safe place to enact all your ninja aspirations.  Here you can be Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee or the stealthy, dangerous you. Jump as high as you desire, become suspended in the air, move swiftly and cunningly, and kick as fiercely as you want. Although, you may not really want to make contact with your volunteer opponent,  that is, unless you’re looking for a real K.O. or a black eye.

4.  Swing  swing  swing

Some of my best childhood memories included playgrounds and swings, except for that one occasion when I tried to eject from a swing while it was still in motion.  Chapman’s Peak Caravan Park has so many creative ways for you to swing.  For instance, you can hold on to a handlebar tied to a wheel and run as fast as you can until you’ve picked up some momentum.  Then, when you feel as though you may take off, tuck your legs behind you and swing with the wind in your face.  It’s impossible to do this without erupting into giggles and smiles!

If you (or your inner child) are beginning to tire, sit in one of the two swings tied to the spinning wheel above.  Get a friend to swing you around until your teeth are dry from smiling at the wind, or until you begin to experience nausea.

5. Explore

One of a child’s first walking instincts is to run away from their parents in search of freedom and exploration.  Everything is new and worth being picked up, tasted and stood on.  Now, this doesn’t mean you should start licking leaves and sampling ants, but it does mean you should go places you haven’t been before.

How about the top of the jungle gym? It’s really not as easy as it looks, plus you get the chance to slide down (if you can still fit).  Why not climb aboard the boat or jump on the seesaw? When was the last time you were spun on a merry-go-round?  Or just take a walk through the long grass, bomb drop into the pool or feed the tortoises.

Spend more time with kids. There is something about their innocence, reckless abandon and laughter that we can all learn from and enjoy.

For more info call 021-789-1225 or email [email protected]


Site fee R60 plus R50 per person (off season), site fee R80 plus R60 per person (High Season). Max six people per site.

Caravans on site: Two people R220 per night (R50 per additional person), two people R290 per night (high season).

Cottages: Two people R600 per night, R650 per night (high season)

Visitor fee: R30 per adult, R20 per child.

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