Ray Chaplin’s solo walk from Cape Town to Beit Bridge

Posted on 29 November 2009

It’s been a little while since my last post, and for that I apologise. The week since I left Matjiesfontein has been an emotional one to say the least… and I have got to admit that while I was sad to leave home this morning, I am VERY happy to be back out here. For those who haven’t read for a while and missed updates, my mom was in a car accident last Friday (20 November) on her way to Matjiesfontein to celebrate my birthday with me. I made the decision to catch the train back to Cape Town to make sure she is fine and spend some time with her.

Thanks to all the messages of support over the few days that followed – I cannot tell you how much they mean to me! My mom is fine and there is no physical damage [to her at least… the car wasn’t so lucky]. Due to a few mis-calculations and then problems with the Shosholoza Meyl booking service, today was the first train I was happy to catch and so here I am… back in Matjiesfontein and out here.

So, what has happened in the week? Well, LOADS! I spent some time at home with mom… I spent time at Epic Bike Shop helping out there and working on the spec for my new bicycle… I met Patrick Morewood (the Morewood of Morewood bikes!). I caught up with some mates… and I worked on the next expedition.

Today started with a fairly early rise and some brekkie – the last slices of ‘proper’ toast I’ll have in a looooong time, so I made sure I had plenty!! From there I packed the last of things I’d been using while at home and then just neatened up before showering and heading for the station. I almost forgot my December issue of Getaway magazine, but luckily remembered at the last second and squeezed it in to the bursting pack. I’m using a Vaude Accept 75L pack for this leg, and just as well because I obviously have more food than originally planned for stage two… as I am carrying the stuff I will eat between here & Beaufort West too! So that’s a whole lot of MuleBar 🙂

We got to Cape Town station and despite a little confusion and to what was where and how it all worked, I was helped to get my physical ticket and pointed in the right direction – the direction though was missing a train. Yip, an hour til departure and no train in sight… great! Not entirely comfortable with that, I had to talk to myself and say that there are delays in life and this is just one of them. What I wasn’t comfortable with is that if we departed an hour late it would mean I arrived in Matjiesfontein just before sunset…

It wasn’t quite an hour late to depart, but it was pretty darn close. The guy I was to share a cabin with didn’t like the idea of having to share a two sleeper, so ended up walking around and sitting in the restaurant. I wasn’t complaing – more space to myself! And then the conductor came past and asked if I would mind moving to a four sleeper cabin so that Mr Francis can have some space – NO WORRIES I said!

I spent the time lyingdown and looking out the window, wondering what the week ahead holds. I also headed to the restaurant for a beer, to celebrate the return to the trail… as it really was WAY too long in the city for me.

As we pulled away from Worcester I began making the final preps for Matjiesfontein. I filled with water and ensured everything I needed was close at hand on my body or securely attached to the pack, before taking my final few pics on the train.

All in all, the train journey both to Cape Town and back here has been pretty cool and I’d definitely give the long haul across the country a go sometime. It really is a relaxing way to travel – no rushing and airport rush. Just park off and enjoy the view!

My arrival in Matjiesfontein felt a little weird and it was almost dark, so I headed to the pub (where else?) to see if Werner was working. Alas, he was not… but I did meet a couple from Welkom and had a good chat with them. They’re on their way to Cape Town for the week and to watch the Killers concert, and decided to stay the night – something the Mrs has been begging about for ages.

Having weighed up my options about where to stay the night, I’d decided that the red London bus would be best – out of the howling wind, out of the rain [odd drop was already falling] and pretty secluded. BUT, I saw the lights on at reception and headed over to say Hi and thanks for their assistance last weekend… and they suggested the camp site. Camp site? PERFECT… but how much? Well, because I was here last weekend and the circumstance surrounding my return – free! BARGAIN! She gave me the keys for the shower / toilet and that was it.

In fact, I am now setup inside the building lying next to the shower and out of the wind & rain. I have ablutions and power, two things that are pretty rare out here… so I thought I’d take the chance while I can.

For dinner tonight, to celebrate my return to the trail – Backcountry Chicken Tikka Masala and then Backcountry Fruit Salad Trifle for dessert. Hmmmmmm… add some Creedence Clearwater Revival and it certainly is a good evening!

Well, I am now back so be sure to check for the daily updates [more where possible]. And of course, updates to my fan page on Facebook via SMS.

Live GPS & heart-rate again from Monday morning!!! Be sure to check my progress as I head for Laingsburg.

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