Ray Chapline’s solo walk from Cape Town to Beit Bridge

Posted by Ray Chaplin on 30 November 2009

Despite being indoors & having finished yesterday with a great meal, I had a dismal night and reckon I slept more between 5am [when the birds started chirping] and 6am when my alarm went off than I did the rest of the night. Needless to say I wasn’t in the best mental space when I picked the pack up to start walking.

Knowing that it would be a tough day with a heavy pack again and having been in Cape Town for a week, I decided not to waste time by having breakfast whilst packing and so I ate on the move. It seemed to work… as my legs were keen to get walking and I blazed the first 10km without my effort – in fact, it’s pretty much a blur.

The service road was all over the show – up, down, away from the line, across the line, disappearing into a farm then back to the line. I reckon I walked an extra 2km or so today as a result. Now, 2km doesn’t sound like much… but keep in mind that is easily 30min!

During one such diversion I was coming down a hill into a dry river bed [they’re all dry – there is NO water anywhere!] and saw something moving in front of me on the path. About 1m long, brown, 3cm diameter and MOVING! Yip, my first snake for the trip! Here’s hoping it’s the most ferocious and aggressive snake I see Dave reckons it was either a mole snake or a baby rinkhals. I’m gonna go with the baby rinkhals – sounds more impressive!

I used the sidings & sub-stations as my rest stops today, except for one where my legs just wouldn’t carry me further and I plonked down. Seriously, I knew that I’d be carrying a few extra days of supplies due to resupplying before Beaufort West… but DAMN!! It’s scary the difference it makes. Tomorrow could be interesting as I have to leave Laingsburg with at least three days of water… ideally four! OUCH! It’s a fair distance to Prince Albert Road!!

Legs and hips took more and more strain as the day went and I have to admit that I considered standing in front of a few trains in an effort to make them stop & take me home! It was a rough day today… no lies there.

However, Laingsburg was calling and slowly getting closer and that was all that mattered. Scenery was stunning, when I looked that is. After the snake sighting I was extra cautious and stared at the ground a lot of the time. Also, feeling a shattered after a bad night I was starting to stumble a little and needed to ensure I didn’t fall! That probably would’ve ended the day for me.

With about 10km to go, I passed a sub-station and decided there wasn’t a better place to have an afternoon nap – so that’s exactly what I did. I lay down in the shade and out of the howling wind, closed my eyes and woke about half an hour later. Feeling revived, it was time to hit Laingsburg…

I’d spotted the town a little earlier, and now was trying to guess the exact distance I’d travel to get to the Steers at the Shell garage. I decided last night already I’d treat myself if I made it to Laingsburg today…

Across the bridge was a little hairy due to the high winds – fortunately it was coming from my right (southish) so was pushing me onto the bridge. I reckon a northerly and I’d have been a big *splat* at the bottom!

Arrival at the station came not a minute too soon, and I climbed down into town… making a quick stop at the OK for a juice & chocolate to get me back up to speed before heading to the Shell and my Steers burger.

My table choice was perfect – got plugs under it so am charging everything to ensure uninterrupted communication between now and my next town of Prince Albert Road. It looks as though I may miss it if I blink, so I hope I don’t blink!

Well, I’m still at the Steers and considering staying here for the night. The campsite in town is ridiculously expensive considering it is right next to a truck stop so I won’t get any peace if I stay there. My two nights in Touwsrivier cost me less in a room with communal bathroom than they want here for a single night. Ummmm, something wrong there? YES!

Will update a little later once I decided where I’m going to crash. All the best from a very tired & shattered Ray.

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