Dispatch No.2 – The Launch of the Boundless Southern Africa Expedition

Posted by Kingsley Holgate on 28 May 2009

It’s 10 am on Monday 11th May 2009 and there’s frenzy of activity outside the Tourism Indaba in Durban, Mahlembehlembe (a Zulu chief from Shakaland) points his stabbing spear skywards as Mad Mike Rumble and Graham Field of the Garmin / Garmap Skydivi

They come in fast over the crowd, bringing with them the scissors for Miss South Africa to cut the symbolic ribbon to mark the start of The Boundless Southern Africa Expedition.

Ministers of Environment and Tourism and Conservation Officials applaud the expedition, traditional dancers from all over Southern Africa sing a Boundless Song, a masked mkishi dancer from Barotseland walks tall on high stilts. “Hambani Kahle Nondwayiza” Hlube Chief Baba Dlamini shouts as he urges sponsors and guests to endorse the scroll of Peace and Goodwill for Conservation that will be carried like an Olympic Torch across Africa.

Miss South Africa writes, “Prosperity Health and Environment, we wish you all well”. Escorted by a team of chanting Zulu dancers, Mike Nixon – one of only 4 South Africans to have conquered the world’s 7 summits – leads his mountain bike team forward, carrying the symbolic Zulu Calabash. The drums beat and the Zulus chant as Miss South Africa gracefully cuts the starter ribbon. The blue lights flash as a Police Motorcycle unit escorts the 100 strong Land Rover convoy out of Durban – The Boundless Southern Africa Expedition has begun.

We’ll keep you posted.

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