Day five of Ray Chaplin’s solo walk to Beit Bridge.

Posted by Ray Chaplin on 12 November 2009

After a rough day four, I was really hoping for a better day… and it came! While still a little unhappy about the tunnel decision, I am feeling pretty darn happy right now.

A good way to end the day before heading into Worcester for an appearance with Salomon at Cape Union Mart.

The day started with howling winds and showers, too the point it was difficult to stand at times. But, thanks to poles and talking to myself (as usual!), I pressed on an mover clear of the N1 wherever possible.

Every break in the clouds made for stunning scenery that motivated me more, as I knew the weather would pass and the journey could really get underway, and had been dragging until now.

With MuleBars and VitaThion in my system, I made some good time despite the weather trying to hold me back, and each waterfall, rapid and sheer cliff face inspired me more. This is what it’s all about… escaping the concrete and surrounding oneself with the real stuff.

I got off the N1 and hit the road to Rawsonville. Slightly longer to Worcester but oh so worth it! The vineyards, the people – it’s really worth the extra hour or so on foot. Almost every motorist waved at me, and the weather seemed more pleasant off the N1 too.

Despite a few weird looks by locals in Rawsonville (in passing, as well as when asking where I was going), it’s not a bad town. But the gem is on the other side. Let’s just leave it at that.

A quick lunch amongst the vineyards and some great conversation with some locals (including an offer to stay with them tonight, sadly in the opposite direction), I continued to stroll amongst vineyards and slowly make my way to Brandvlei Dam.

After scouting the area for quite some time, I have settled in a fairly hidden location behind some fence that says “Trespassers will be shot”. Hope they don’t find me! A bit of housekeeping was done too, a bit of laundry, washline setup in the tent and I wetwiped. Not quite sweet smelling but it’ll have to do.

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