Day 51: Intense traffic! Awesome night in Rustenburg

Posted by Ray Chaplin on 26 February 2010

Marinda had phoned a friend last night and arranged a place for me to stay in Rustenburg, so I had some pressure on me for distance – working on 40 km. Narrow busy roads was one thing, but I didn’t except this much traffic – wow!

The first 21 km from the farm was all downhill, which was awesome. I did good time and the legs felt fresh’ish when it came time to climb later. The views were absolutely stunning, and got better as I went – with the Magaliesberg being just plain awesome.

I hit massive traffic as it came to Olifantsnek, and it was not pleasant – with minimal space on the side of the road and drivers hugging the corner. Long grass and tight turns meant a few close calls, but I made it up ok and was rewarded with a MuleBar and a stunning view over the Olifantsnek Dam. Gorgeous!

As I headed down, the road got even tighter and I was just moved as fast as possible to get out of the tight situation quickly – it certainly got the adrenalin going! Traffic just got more and more, and it’s certainly the most traffic I’ve seen since Cape Town – maybe even since I was last in Joburg. It was crazy!

35 km and nailbiting walking and I hit the robots where I had to turn up to my hosts – and I saw the hill. Fortunately I follow the unbroken footsteps rule so I could get a pickup.

I got settled with the family (Leon and Cornel and kids) and we chatted because their other guests arrived for a lovely braai. Awesome group and we had a super evening. Once everyone had left, Cornel and I sat chatting and going through pics until after 2 am – so am feeling a little jaded this morning!!

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