Day 47: Hartbeesfontein to a farm near Rooikuil

Posted by Ray Chaplin on 22 February 2010

I simply did not want to move this morning, as I had slept so well I could easily lie there for the day. But moving on was required and I packed up and got underway.

Making my way through the town was quite interesting – and I started regretting the fact I wasn’t wearing my “Vote Zuma” t-shirt (please remind me to pack it next time!). Almost through the town, two gentlemen stopped me to chat… two pastors actually. After a long chat and the one guy insisting that next time I walk I must contact him and he’ll join me, I was about to set off again and he stopped me… to give me R10 to buy myself a cold drink.

Stopping at the shop (as I’d already planned to do), I picked up a cold drink and drink mix for the road and set off. The road, again, was narrow with no yellow line… but fortunately it wasn’t too busy so the going was good.

I passed an awesome looking building up on the hill, and actually stopped at the gates for a break in the shade. It’s a game lodge come wedding/conference venue called Thaba Tshwene, and looks pretty impressive from the outside.

Marching onwards, I had a few people stop to chat – most of whom had seen me over the past few days and now decided to stop and find out what was going on and why there was a ‘mad man’ pushing a thing around the province.

Turning in at Brakspruit I enjoyed some time in the shade with a cold drink, and experienced first hand where all the money from our goverment grants go… to buying alcohol! I set off as soon as my legs could carry me onwards, as being surrounded by loads of drunken folk around noon was not my idea of the best way to spend my day.

It wasn’t too long before I was stopped by a young couple in a white 4×4, with the guy having seen me on the road already. We chatted a bit about the journey and they asked the question about where I sleep… and they promptly invited me to stay with them. Ok, let’s see… yes! They explained how to get to the farm and I proceded with some good speed… while they continued to town.

We arrived at pretty much the same time and after a drink and chat I got a quick drive around part of the farm before settling in and taking it easy. Massyn is the third generation on the farm, which is still actively run by his father, and his lovely girlfriend (not wife as I had thought) is a teacher at the local farm school.

She (Riaani – hope that’s the correct spelling!) prepared an awesome dinner and I think they also think I’m thin as they kept commenting I must eat! After dinner we settled in to watch a movie and then off to bed… with me first having a quick shower.

I must say, it’s the first time I’ve been to a bathroom in a house with no door… as the only door in the house is the front door. Oh, and a shower door…

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