Day 43: Boskuil to Wolmaransstad

Posted by Ray Chaplin on 18 February 2010

I enjoyed a big brekkie and was then given a lift back to the intersection I’d been collected from, to continue my march to Wolmaransstad. I’d been warned about road works, and that the township before was a little suspect… so was going to play the day as it came.

The road was a little wider in places than the previous day, but not by much, so the going was a little easier. Fairly early in the day a bakkie pulled up on the other side of the road and a guy climbed out. I pushed Tootsie across and we chatted a bit.

Johan was his name and after discussing the journey and my route ahead, he presented me with his card and told me I must call him when I get to Wolmaransstad as I am welcome to stay with them. We parted ways and I pressed forth, watching the kilometres slowly passing by. I was craving chocolate at this point and was keeping my mind busy by debating which chocolate bar I’d enjoy when I reached tow. Hmmmm… so many to choose from!

Road works picked up and I enjoyed the peace and quiet of walking on the side of the road they were working on… meant I didn’t have to dodge traffic the whole ime. A few of the road works people made me feel a little uneasy, especially when swarmed by ten or more and everyone is grabbing at Tootsie.

It was still fairly early when I neared town, so decided I would give Johan a buzz once in town and refreshed. I pushed in through some serious roadworks activities which made going a little difficult on the outskirts, and checked out town as I went through.

I’d run out of airtime on my phone so needed an ATM quickly, and eventually found one as I was nearing the exit of the town. Locked and loaded, I headed to the garage a little further down the drag and made myself comfy with a drink and a pie… and then an ice-cream treat.

I called Johan and he was there in a few minutes with the bakkie to collect me. He stayed just round the corner, but I wasn’t going to argue. My legs and feet were tired and I felt like enjoying a break.

He has an awesome family and I was made to feel at home right away, with a flood of questions coming my way as we drank cooldrink. His daughter was keeping notes to use for a school assignment she’s got due.

Dinner was awesome – steak, crayfish and veg, followed by a lovely dessert and some coffee before a peaceful night.

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