Day 41: Flying start, flying into town, and a gentle evening in Bloemhof

Posted by Ray Chaplin on 16 February 2010

After turning off the light pretty late last night, my alarm shocked me when it went off at 6 am… especially with the dogs and general farm sounds unsettling me periodically. But, I knew that there was a chance I’d be able to go flying, so up I got and started prepping for some high-speed action. My adrenalin levels have been a little low considering my average speeds.

But first, to address the reason the dogs were so active last night. Well, they’d figured out my high-tech security system on Tootsie and had broken in. Yip, my clothes (not that I carry much) had been removed and deposited all over the place. Jan Hendrick was kind enough to collect it all for me, and Sias organised to wash it – thanks guys!

And then, flying time. After prepping the rotors I climbed in, got strapped in and plugged in… and we headed to the private airstrip Sias has made alongside one of his fields. We waited while a crop-sprayer removed itself from the area and then he gave it stick – and next thing we were in the air. Oh what a feeling! The air rushing past, soaring above the trees and feeling like a bird on speed, it was incredible.

Sias did a few circuits and then took me over the river to show me the extent of the flood damage… which I still can’t fully comprehend. An entire house was missing from the foundations, others had shifted on their foundations, while others had walls knocked in or their roof was missing. Shocking to see just what damage water can do!!!

A few more high-speed runs and we headed back to the farm as the weather was closing in and some of us had work to do. With a smooth landing it was all over… but what an experience!!! Wow!

I packed and got everything ready to roll… and said my farewells… sadly. But, I had 30 km to go until Bloemhof and needed to cover them today.

Mileage came swiftly to begin, but my feet hurt with every step and that grew on me as I went. Drinking loads and eating plenty sweet stuff (as well as bread and MuleBars), I somehow managed to get to the end of the gravel road without taking a proper break – quite unusual really. But I hit the tar road to town and next thing I was crossing the Vaal River (again!) and in the North West Province (again!).

Flood damage was clearly visible and one can see the efforts being made to clean up… but it will take time for much of the vegetation to fully recover.

I followed the directions Sias and Gerda had given me and next thing I was at the home of Sias’s mother… my home for the night. It’s amazing how one person can open doors and sort things out for you…

After a shower and a few e-mails (big things in the pipeline so communication channels have to be kept open), I was whisked off to the local museum – a private museum, with some awsome stuff. It’s all war and political memorabilia, but it’s a must-see!

We came back and ate a lovely [and massive] dinner with everything I haven’t had since I left home in December… and now it’s time to finish up work before an early night.

Next stop is Wolmaranstad… and from there I am still deciding…

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