Day 35: Walking continues – Kimberley to Riverton

Posted by Ray Chaplin on 11 February 2010

After a weird night’s sleep, I started a little slowly this morning and couldn’t get going. Final packing, brekkie, a shower, more packing because I’d forgotten stuff, and then fill with water, then good-byes, and next thing it was 9 am and I was finally walking.

I passed a few memorials that I’d left off my list yesterday then proceded back to The Big Hole to get some pics with Tootsie – poor girl was feeling left out and demanded to see the Hole. Sadly they wouldn’t let her in so we took pics outside.

She was clearly upset with me and feeling deflated, as I was soon repairing punctures. Not one, not two, nor three… but many! Lost count after cutting the sixth patch… very irritating.

But we hit the N12 out of town and made decent time, but the humidity was suffocating so I pulled in at the Shell Ultra City to get a drink and some pies for early lunch. As I was turning off the N12 Keith was hooting, as he was turning left to Kimberley Golf Club for a golf day he was playing in.

Pressing on again, my right quad started developing some pain which later turned into pins and needles. I adjusted my pack slightly and it seemed to help a little… but when passing a place with a Coke bottle sign outside I turned in and got another cold drink and sat for a while, trying to figure out what was wrong.

My hips are both stiff and sore, but my right quad has seriously painful pins and needles after about 30 min of walking. Will play around some more tomorrow and hopefully work it out.

As I approached Riverton, a 4×4 with two guys pulled over to chat. The one offered me a place to stay in Riverton – a great option as it was getting dark and there were big thunder clouds on the horizon.

It was dark by the time I arrived in town, so colours of walls and doors wasn’t a great help with directions. But I arrived at the Aquatic Club, which is where he said the place was, and looking around, and all I saw was mud! I slipped and landed tail first in the mud, covering shirt, pants, shoes, hands and bum.

The place stinks! But I have setup camp here and will take a better look around in daylight tomorrow.

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