Dream travel job – the eve of my Awfully Big Blog Adventure

Posted by Joy Anne Goodenough on 13 February 2011

It’s the eve of my Awfully Big Blog Adventure. It’s been a crazy week preparing for this trip since I found out I was the lucky winner of this incredible “˜Dream Travel Job‘. Plans had to be made on the homefront for my son who will be staying behind. Work had to be done in advance to cover the blog I edit while I’m away from my day-job desk. A new cell phone contract had to be organized as my old school Nokia doesn’t even text anymore. I won’t even go into the details of cats needing de-fleaing.

I’ve printed directions to all my destinations, interrogated my schedule and checked out websites for the projects and activities I’ll be experiencing; gotten over excited, developed insomnia, and had several mini panics about missing my son and about handling a 4×4 when I can barely park my Fiesta.

Phew! I’m already exhausted!

But finally all the items on my To Do list are checked off, the backpack is packed, and all I have to do is get on the plane tomorrow and start this journey!

I am completely wound up, like a kid on Christmas Eve, with no small amount of apprehension thrown in. I do love to travel, but I’m not exactly the poster woman for action adventure. I don’t like heights, I’m not too fit. I tend to get lost driving to my own house. And this trip is not one where I can pootle along at my own pace, stopping wherever I choose. I have a very well organized itinerary: I will be interviewing people, working on school development projects, taking a frog safari, swinging from the trees like Tarzana (aka going on a canopy tour) and just sometimes just chilling on a beach. I guess I’ll run the gamut of emotions. Happiness, fatigue, homesickness, wonder.

I know WHAT I’ll be doing and WHERE I’ll be staying, but HOW it will all pan out and what it will FEEL like”¦ these are the unknowns. That’s what makes this an adventure.

The Fair Trade in Tourism projects I’ll be visiting along the way are what makes this a really unique trip. FTTSA is an organisation which works hard at encouraging tourism related establishments and businesses to practice business in ways that are ethical and ecologically sound. Having volunteered in refugee kitchens and township clinics and schools in previous years, I love the idea that I’m not simply going on a Joy-ride / glorified holiday, but also highlighting some of these initiatives. I’m thrilled to be able to share every experience with anyone who follows the Getaway blog I’ll be posting stories and photos too en route.

I hope you’ll all come along for the journey!

Follow me on Twitter: @joyanne

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