Day four on the island: Life 2 the Limit survival challenge

Posted by Joe Starke on 8 April 2010

Greetings to friends and family, from our little corner of (slightly altered) paradise. We are all still relatively well and there have been no serious medical incidents so far.

Adelle (our support person and documenter) came today to collect the first round of journal entries and pictures. We were not allowed to talk to her, but just seeing her boat come in for the collection was encouraging and a reminder that time is passing. I am sleeping somewhat better though I continue to have very strange dreams, but I can never quite remember the details in the morning.

There remain some serious concerns in the group about our ability to consistently find food. We went again to collect palm hearts, this time enough for the entire group, but it’s quite a task and probably not sustainable, so we need to explore additional food sources.

There was a heavy rainfall in the evening which definitely dampened our spirits. We had not expected so much rain at this time of year, and many of our hammocks got wet – not a pleasure to sleep in at all!

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