Books for Africa team’s journey to Mozambique: Day 11

Posted by Books For Africa on 14 December 2010

Waking up early and going for a long swim in the most tranquil and breath-taking area makes my stomach flip. We emerged to a clear, cool morning on the beach of Lake Malawi. What can get better than this?

So much happened today, it was our first chilled day where there was no itinerary or To Do list; and we definitely made the most of it! While I was swimming, Dani and Darryn made friends with a local carver/musician who took us on a tour of the village, where we bought mangoes and bananas (among other things). On returning, a grand breakfast was prepared: fruit salad (shot Dani) followed by fried bacon and egg sammies (Legend Luca): life’s tough in Africa!.

Some of us then took a walk back to the market to get sarongs, taste the local brew (hmm?) and stumbled upon Mad Malawian Mike, a memorable crazy kid whom everyone adores. Even the non-paternal types considered adopting this lovable fellow.

During our stay here at Chitimba Beach we’ve all trading some item of clothing or PENS for curios, key-rings and all sorts of unique wood-work. Coming away poorer in pocket and wear, but gaining some precious memoirs and gifts.

We noticed the kids here all ask for pens, instead of the usual “Sweets” or “Money” that we hear in South Africa and Swaziland. So we were determined to pay the school a visit and give them pens and the Book of Hope (more on that tomorrow) to have a little impact on a big problem.

A snooze in Daz’s hammock was followed by a highly competitive game of volleyball (which our team lost ridiculously) and a frizbee game in the lake. The tranquil environment quickly dissapears when we appear. Where’s the child in you? Gotta love it. We’re noisy, but you’ll never have a dull moment with the Books comm 2010.

Our second attempt at the human pyramid… We were successful after countless tries (and no, the OCD vets DON’T give up!). Unfortunately no-one with a camera this time as we were all in the pyramid. But you’ll just have to take my word for it. We rocked. We even got two local kids on the top!

The next peak on the Books agenda was Kings. Drinking game for most, with Daz and Nicky on Litchi juice (hardcore!). What a funny bunch we are; this game really disturbed the peace in the bar, but it was worth all the laughs we had. This was followed by some more card games, with some drifting off to start the food. A Smashing (excuse the pun) meal followed by some more bar-hanging ended up with sloshed boys shaking up the sleeping girls tent (greatly appreciated of course, seeing as Charlotte is down with the flu)..

So ended another sweet day in the Heart of Africa: the people of Malawi are friendly, warm and welcoming. Just don’t give all you have away for a good carving!


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