21 Years of Getaway travel writing

Posted by Cameron Ewart-Smith on 26 August 2010

Over the past few weeks I’ve been working on a book of the best of Getaway’s travel writing. It’s been absolutely awesome, and humbling, to see the incredible features … and places we’ve covered in the 21 years since we first hit the shelves (as an aside our back of a napkin calculation estimates 21 years equals 252 issues and give-or-take 1260 features not including short columns and bits and pieces). Over the next few months I will be highlighting some of my favourite stories from the archives. Some of these will soon be available in book form, but many will not unless we can twist the publisher’s arm and get another edition.

One story in particular that stands out for me is Patrick Wagner’s story on rafting on the Kunene River back in 1994 Conquering the Kunene along the Namibian/Angolan border. As Pat writes…”With the Angolan bush war rapidly fading into history and Namibian independence well established, the northern regions of this magnificent country are adding another dimension to tourism in Namibia.”

Pat had joined Felix Unite River Adventures on a recce expedition down the Kunene River. It was the golden age of travel in southern Africa. Operators were continuously exploring new routes and places – and Getaway was always invited along for the ride. And what a ride it was. Back then I was a Masters student in marine biology at UCT – all I could do was sit and dream about the places Pat would tell us about upon returning from his adventures.

Having recently taken over as editor of Getaway I still sometimes have a lump in my throat when I think of those days – Pat was unfortunately killed in an aeroplane accident on assignment for the magazine a few years after this story was published. This story may not set the literary world alight – Pat was better known for his pictures and was unquestionably one of the greatest photographers this country has ever produced – but it remains one of the incredible journeys taken by this magazine and its journalists.


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