WATCH: Tourists caught in elephant stampede

Posted by Imogen Searra on 20 February 2019

Few experiences can compare with coming face-to-face with Africa’s animals in their natural surroundings. On a trip to the Kruger National Park, travellers are spoilt when it comes to up-close wildlife sightings. Seeing a herd of elephants, for example, is almost certain on a Kruger holiday, whether they’re grazing, walking, swimming or crossing a road.

It is imperative, however, that we stay aware of our surroundings when marvelling at these magnificent mammals. What may seem like a relatively small herd may in fact be a very large one that is just mostly hidden in the brush, and you could find yourself surrounded by tens of individuals within the blink of an eye. Their behaviour can be an indication of the general mood of the herd and it’s important we observe and pay heed to it.

Recently, a group of tourists visiting the Kruger National Park found themselves in a hairy situation when they happened upon elephants running across the road in front of them. Soon, the tourists were surrounded by elephants that were clearly aggravated. The presence of their vehicle didn’t help. The elephants were reportedly chasing away nearby lions as there was a large number of calves in the herd.

Watch the video below to see how the elephants were behaving and how the ranger handled the situation:


Image source: Unsplash

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