The Great African Rift Valley Expedition

Posted by Kingsley Holgate on 30 November 2011

Last year my team and I were able to embrace five African countries. The journey took us to Burkina Faso, Niger, Chad, The Central African Republic and Equatorial Guinea, but then we got back to find that Mama Afrika was about to give birth to the newest country on earth. So we loaded up the Landies and took a rubber duck journey down the Nile from below the Murchison Falls to Juba in time for the independence celebrations in South Sudan.

It’s time to turn that Land Rover key again and head off on another great humanitarian adventure – this time it’s to follow the entire African Rift Valley from Djibouti on the Horn of Africa to the base of Gorongosa Mountain in Mozambique. It will be an exciting year-long geographic journey with the best of wildlife, nomadic tribes, lakes, rivers, mountains and volcanoes, whilst continuing our humanitarian links of malaria prevention through the distribution of life saving mosquito nets, Rite to Sight spectacles for the poor sighted and LifeStraws for water purification.

Getaway blog readers can look forward to receiving regular dispatches from the Great African Rift Valley Expedition.


Don’t miss out! Kingsley Holgate will be speaking in your city. Check out the 2012 dates here.

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