Video of Ngepi Camp in the Caprivi Strip

Posted by Sarah Duff on 23 November 2010

Ngepi Camp, on the banks of the Okavango River in the Caprivi Strip, is one of my favourite places to stay, ever.

It’s an eco-camp with a sense of fun that offers amazing affordable accommodation in a beautiful setting. We slept in a tree house – a reed hut built on stilts over the river – which was fantastic. We rolled up our reed mats every night and lay in our beds overlooking the river and Bwabwata National Park, and fell asleep to the sounds of hippos, lions and elephants. It was magical.

If you’re ever in Namibia, make a mission to go and stay at Ngepi. It’s a destination in its own right.

To find out more about Ngepi, read my review of the camp in the January issue of Getaway. In the meantime, check out this video of Ngepi and its surrounds.

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