Monty Python on the upside of being a pilot

Posted by Annuschka Du Preez on 30 May 2013

Many people think being a pilot is glamorous, but imagine having job where you sit next to the same person for nine hours (or more) and stare straight ahead of you? After the first two hours the conversation runs dry. Maybe you whip out the old manual and hope to pass the time by reading up on some or other technicality. This could knock off about 10 minutes. So you play around with the control panel, confirm your position with the air traffic controller, ask the stewardess for some coffee, and ta-da, you’ve managed to keep yourself busy for one whole hour. Now what? Well, the crew from Monty Python had a few ideas. It’s an oldie, but a goodie …

How to irritate people on a plane

Best views from the air

Shenanigans aside (read: the do’s and don’ts of life six miles high), when they’re not mucking about, pilots do get to enjoy some of the best views of our planet on a regular basis.

The Himalayas

When flying to destinations such as China, Japan or Korea pilots can see the Himalayas in all its glory, and they can revel in the fact that they’re flying over the world’s highest peak which is around 8 849 metres above sea level.

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Cape Town, South Africa

This is due to the amazing view they have of Table Mountain when coming in over Tygerberg Hill, which stands fast at 1 085 metres above sea level.

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Palm Island, Dubai

Then there is Dubai’s world-famous Palm Island which spans five square kilometres and displays it’s full glory when seen from above.

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Your best earth view

Of course, these are just a handful and also not exclusive to pilots. Anyone who’s ever been half awake or had their blinds open on a flight will know that mountains, valleys, floodplains and even cities look almost surreal from a few thousand feet up. What’s the best view you’ve seen from inside an aeroplane? Tell us in the comment box below.

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