Blissful Bolognese

Posted by Leigh Stefanski on 16 July 2009

As any foodie would, when I’m down in the dumps, I cook. And whenever I need a little cheering up, I make this magical Italian Bolognese that returns my world to a happy place.

I’m sharing it with you and hoping it brings as much joy and light to your life as it does to mine.

A chef, whose Sicilian mother passed this recipe down to him, taught it to me some years ago. I’ve made it from memory and feel close to a hundred times so it’s probably changed somewhat. And I’m sure that by the time you’ve done the same, it’ll be different to what I’m going to share with you now. Make it yours!

You’ll need:
1 tin Italian whole peeled tomatoes
100g tomato paste
125ml water
2 tbsp brown sugar (or to taste)
3 basil leaves
2 sprigs fresh origanum
50ml olive oil
1 medium onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed and chopped
300g lean beef mince
3 bay leaves
30ml balsamic vinegar
100ml red wine
30ml Worcester sauce
Half a beef stock cube
Sprinkling of dried origanum
Sprinkling of dried rosemary
Black pepper

Here’s how:
First off, get a pot of Italian tomato sauce going. Don’t skimp on this step, it really makes the Bolognese!

Heat your olive oil in a large frying pan and saut the onion and garlic. Add the mince and bay leaves (always crack them before adding) and allow the meat to brown. Mix in 50g of tomato paste, the balsamic vinegar, red wine, Worcester sauce and stock cube. Then add your dried herbs and black pepper to taste.

When your tomato sauce has been reducing for 30 minutes, pour it into the mince, mix well and leave the whole lot to reduce some more until your Bolognese has the desired consistency. I like mine to be thick and hearty so that most of the liquid has evaporated off (about 15 minutes) but you may prefer it slightly runnier. Your call!

Toss it over pasta, a baked potato or whatever you wish and sprinkle with grated Parmesan or pecorino. Enjoy with a glass of red wine.

Yours in food


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