Peanut butter butternut from the bush

Posted by Sarah Graham on 5 October 2010

Shan’t bang on any more about recent trip to the Kenyan bush, I think I have done quite enough of that for the time being. (I hear your collective sigh of relief). I shall however share with you our latest BBQ bonanza in the form of fire-roasted butternut smothered in peanut butter. Sounds random I know, but it’s honest-to-goodnessly delicious – even back home in your yuppie kitchen sans campfire, stars and bush.

Serves 4 | Preparation time 2 mins | Cooking time 45 mins

What you’ll need
1 large butternut, halved and de-seeded
3 Tbsp peanut butter
Enough tinfoil to fully wrap the butternut

What to do
1. Prepare some good camping fire coals/Oven at 180C
2. Make a few criss-crosses with a knife over the surface of the butternut (we forgot) and spread liberally with peanut butter
3. Wrap the butternut halves each in their own tinfoil (shiny side facing inwards)
4. Place gently on the coals/in the oven and leave for 45 mins
5. You will know when it’s done if you can easily insert a knife into the butternut
6. Unwrap and serve

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