Honey Roasted Fig recipe

Posted by Daniela Bonora on 1 October 2010

This dessert is as simple as they come and oh-so good! The figs can be served in various ways – either with ice-cream, cream or with some blue cheese (my personal preference), accompanied by some good quality port or sherry.


2 large figs
Lemon Juice

Cut each fig in half, lengthways. Place the figs, cut-side up, in a flat ovenproof dish or baking tray. Add half a teaspoon of honey in the centre of each fig and squeeze some fresh lemon juice over each fig half. Roast for 15 minutes.

Serve with the accompaniment of your choice and drizzle with any remaining syrup that has been formed during the roasting. If the syrup is too thick, add a little water to it in your baking try or ovenproof dish and gently reheat on the stove top, then pour over the figs.

A nice addition could be some crushed walnuts, sprinkled over the syrupy figs.

Serves 2

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