Braai4Heritage tour: Day 3 – Crayfish and Kabeljou at Muisbosskerm

Posted by Chris Davies on 15 March 2011

I fear today’s blog may be a short one. With the power only just coming back on after a Lamberts Bay blackout, one of my accommodation spots (lined up for a few days time) cancelling at the last minute, and a tricky day’s shooting to sift through (nothing like the west coast sun to mess with your exposure), time has run away with me today. Seems to be running unusually fast for this part of the world.

(It has nothing whatsoever to do with the five bottles of delicious Sir Lamberts wine open on the table around me, or Jan and the crew scheming large about all the amazing things we’re going to be getting up to over the next 37 days. Nothing at all).

We left Stellenbosch about an hour behind schedule, with Jan needing a pit stop at the physio to take care of his post cycle-tour stiffness. Or as he chirped at me when I suggested it might be braai-elbow: “No, it’s just a sore neck from having to turn my head away every time you open your mouth to talk.” Charming.

So with the faffing out the way, various other last little bits and pieces picked up and bakkies re-packed, we were on our way, cruising into Muisbosskerm just half an hour late, with a massive hunger growing.

We were not disappointed. The braai was already well on its way with kabeljou and black mussel paella laid out invitingly on the tables and – to my delight – some lekker looking salad to make me feel a little more healthy.

The crayfish was the crowning glory. Without doubt the best I’ve eaten though I’ll admit it’s not exactly on my plate every second day. With Jan and the film crew bouncing here and there, trying to find the best light and the perfect braai shot, I was left more or less to my own devises: snapping pics between plates of fish and ice cold wine.

By the time we arrived at Sir Lamberts Guesthouse, our welcoming host Juanita ushering us warmly inside, we were six very well fed, if slightly sun-shattered souls. And that’s when the power went down and the wine came out. It’s back on now and well past time for me to join the chat and cheer.

For some real insight into the nuts and bolts of the Lamberts Bay braai, check out Jan’s blog on the website.

Tomorrow we’ve got a long day – 480 kilometres up to Keinzee – and an early start to make our next braai scheduled at 5pm. Hopefully we won’t be late for this one!

Day 2 | Day 4

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