Caramelized sticky pineapple dessert with fresh cream recipe

Posted by Bernice Griffiths on 24 March 2011

I created this gooey sticky pineapple dessert one weekend away, while we were all sitting around the dinner table feeling like something sweet and warm. I needed to be creative with the ingredients I had on hand, as we were at a self catering place and the shops were a good long drive away and by now closed. I’m sure you know how it goes if you go away to self catering places for holidays and pack stuff you never use and wish you had brought stuff along you had never thought of before! Well this time I had packed a pineapple thinking it maybe good for a healthy snack (brownie points for being a healthy mom) to cut up during and nice warm Saturday but we never got round to eating it. Well it was now night time and the weather had turned. Our longing for a sweet, warm, dessert was now much more important and that is how this caramelized dessert was born. Some sugar, a pan and some butter…. and some chopping and this dessert was born in no time at all.

So whether you are on holiday or at home, spend more time relaxing and less time standing on your feet cooking. This caramelized pineapple dessert is so easy to prepare it can be prepared over a camp fire in a pan or at home on the stove. No matter where you are it is easy and fairly quick and healthy too. Delicious and caramelized this pineapple dessert can be made into almost any kind of caramelized fruit and served up with cream or ice cream. (make sure to select firm seasonal fruit if replacing the pineapple for other fruit). The ingredients are a guide, so if you are out in the bush you can wing it.

All you need for Delicious Caramelized Pineapple Dessert is:

1 to 2 medium pineapples peeled and cored
some brown sugar (roughly 4-5 tablespoons)
some butter (about a table spoon or 2)
some fresh cream (if you have)
ice cream for serving (optional)

simply peel the pineapple and remove any eyes/bits.
Slice your pineapple into rings – as in picture above.
Place your pineapple rings in a frying pan with the brown sugar and butter.
Place over low heat and cook until golden and caramelized and slightly soft.
once all gooey and golden pour over a little cream.
Serve with whipped/pouring cream or your favorite ice cream

* you can use any fruit you wish – but harder fruits work better

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