Andalucian extra virgin olive oil (and a tricolor salad)

Posted by Natalie Ward on 21 December 2010

We have picked up our bottles of the olive oil we helped to harvest a few weeks ago and it is amazing. The flavour is so far superior to that of anything I have ever bought, I want to put it on everything. Its viscous, cloudy, golden greenness is a joy to behold. I think that this olive oil and the bougainvilla flower should become the emblems of Andalucia: they represent the beauty and flavour of the region perfectly.

And I’m going to put it on an Italian salad! Oh well, these are the ingredients I have in my possesion: avocados (loads of them – windfalls), juicy Spanish tomatoes (full of flavour right now), mozzarella cheese and our homegrown basil.

Andalucian Tricolor Salad

serves 2, vegetarian

1 ripe avocado, sliced
1 large spanish tomato, sliced
1 ball mozzarella, sliced
a handful of basil leaves
extra virgin olive oil (Andalucian preferably!)
Jerez – sherry vinegar (or balsamic)
salt & black pepper

Alternate the slices of tomato & mozzarella around the plate and top with the avocado slices in the centre. Sprinkle the tomatoes with salt & sherry vinegar and tear over some fresh basil leaves. Drizzle the olive oil generously over the salad and crack over some black pepper..

Serve with some rustic toasted bread drizzled with more healthy, fabulous olive oil… Enjoy!!

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