Wake up, Robben Island’s solution is right under your noses

Posted by Cameron Ewart-Smith on 3 November 2010

Dear Mr Zuma/Ms Zille

Not more nonsense over Robben Island surely. I am talking about the recent call by the DA for them to take over the running of Robben Island. Of course the ANC are less than amused. Never mind their management of one of SA’s most important historical sites – and lets be honest, tourist attractions – is nothing short of laughable. The point is guys you’re both deluded if you think any political party stands a hope in hell of achieving success. Tourism is a tough business, no matter whether that is purely ethereal, recreational and extravagant or critically important to the national identity. Robben Island is a case in point. Not only is this the beacon of hope of oppressed people everywhere, but it is also one of this country’s most important historical landmarks. It is critical that it is run efficiently so that it can be adequately preserved for future generations. Furthermore, profits earned out of ferrying well-heeled international visitors across Table Bay can be ploughed into getting less fortunate individuals through its gates. On the top of our agenda should be getting as many school children as possible to visit the island – lest we forget!
So onto that solution – hand it over to SANParks for heavens sake. While they’re not perfect they’re a darn site better at running a tourism operation than either of your organisations. And considering their mandate is to protect critical natural and historically important landscapes for future generations who better. If they’re not the right people for the job I’m not sure who is.



Editor Getaway Magazine

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