Getaway goes tree planting with Greenpop in Mitchells Plain

Posted by Ilhaam Ismail on 10 March 2011

The staff of Getaway and Greenpop are spending this Saturday planting trees at Alpine Primary in Mitchell’s Plain, carrying out the second half of their promise to support Greenpop to achieve a common goal. Greenpop is a Cape Town-based organization with the primary ambition to plant trees while promoting green awareness at under-greened schools across Cape Town.  About a month ago, we offered our readers the chance to win a three-night stay for two people at Umlani Bushcampworth R15 460 if they donated a tree to abet these green-fingers. On 1 March 2011, the winner, Elizabeth Read, was announced and managed to gather a healthy copse of trees. Now it’s time to plant them!

The Getaway team is heading to Alpine Primary School in Mitchell’s Plain this Saturday, 12 March, to plant 120 trees with Greenpop. Misha Teasdale of Greenpop says, ‘We’ll be planting 100 indigenous trees and 20 Olives this weekend. We’ve planted 20 trees at this school before and they’ve proven to be very good at looking after their trees and keen on spreading environmental awareness, so this big day of greening was a great incentive for the teachers and children. The school is in need of some serious greening and has implemented Greenpop’s tree care and grey water recommendations enthusiastically. We’re really looking forward to a long-term relationship with Alpine Primary.’

‘When companies and corporates want to get involved in urban rejuvenation and compensation for their carbon emissions, impactful planting days like this become possible. Involvement of companies like Ramsay Media makes Greenpop’s incentive scheme effective,’ adds Jeremy Hewitt of Greenpop.

The Getaway team is inviting everyone to come and get their hands dirty. To RSVP email [email protected] or join our planting day event on Facebook.

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