Posted by Leigh Stefanski on 6 March 2009

In 2008, 50 million people across 35 countries switched off their lights for one hour and stood together against global warming. This is what Earth Hour is all about…

Earth Hour 2009 aims to motivate one billion people around the globe, in more than 1 000 cities to switch off their lights on 28 March 2009 from 8.30 to 9.30 pm and together take a stand against global warming.

WWF South Africa is planning a national Switch Off to Switch On campaign to get 1 million dwellings and offices to switch off their lights and 3 million South Africans to sign up

WWF and Getaway would like to ask all of our readers to get involved in what could be the single most powerful demonstration of global solidarity on any matter ever. Your involvement would entail:

Sign up and register your support for action on climate change.

Spread the message to all staff members. Let them sign up and switch off on 28 March 2009.

Switch off the lights of your building and home for one hour on 28 March 2009 at 8.30 pm.

Mayor Helen Zille has pledged her support for Earth Hour 2009 and we are switching off the lights illuminating Table Mountain for an hour to demonstrate the City’s commitment.

Earth Hour is not about saving electricity. It’s much more than that – it is a symbolic action to indicate to governments that the people of the world want an effective global climate deal by the end of 2009.

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