This one is for the elephants

Posted by Ondela Mlandu on 12 August 2018

World Elephant Day is commemorated anually on 12 August.  This day sheds light on these precious mammals, many of whom are killed for their ivory tusks and is call for all of us to support conservation efforts aimed at protecting pachyderms.

Do something on this day to educate yourself and share knowledge about elephants in Africa.

This cutie was spotted in the wild along with its herd at Camp Jabulani, situated within Kapama Private Game Reserve. Image by Ondela Mlandu

Why we love Elephants?

They’re intelligent, family orientated and form part of our Big Five.

The plight of the number of elephants that are killed in a year are concerning. Image by Ondela Mlandu

How can we protect them?

1. Volunteer at the Knysna Elephant Park.The volunteer program also allows you to be part of the daily maintenance, by assisting with looking after the elephants by preparing their food and feeding them.

2. Visit the Amarula Lapa and find out more about the Amarula Trust. The Amarula Trust aims to safeguard the African elephant through sustainable environmental education. The projects designed by the Amarula Trust focus on preserving the African elephants heritage.

3. Create awareness on social media (join a page) such as Conservation South Africa. Conservation South Africa is a non-profit organisation that helps society to adopt a more sustainable approach that considers and values nature.

4. Adopt an elephant

Elephants play an important role in maintaining their habitat You can do your part by adopting an elephant through the World Wildlife Fund.

If we don’t take urgent action to save their species, elephants could disappear from the wild. Image by Ondela Mlandu



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