Cycle Africa for Rhinos: Windhoek to Camp Ndurukoro

Posted by Cycle Africa on 10 October 2011

The road between Windhoek and Divundu was full of surprises. Day by day we were blessed by the generosity and hospitality of family, friends and complete strangers. Mount Etjo was a definite highlite. We arrived there hoping to get a camping spot for the evening but were offered a room, a game drive and two delicious meals. Jan Oelofse is the owner of Mount Etjo. In his earlier years Jan worked with Dr Ian Player in Imfolozi Game Reserve, KZN. Jan invented the modern game capture technique of chasing heards of animals into nets covered with plastic, by helicopter. The animals perceive the plastic as a solid obstacle and do not try to jump through it. In this way casualties are minimised. Jan and his family raised two black rhino calves succesfully. For Jan, nature takes priority above people’s enjoyment. We can definitely recommend a visit to Mount Etjo.

The day we left Rundu we knew that we had to find a place to camp for that night since their was no campsite within cycling distance. Close to sun set, Hendrik approached two boys at a very neat and clean kraal and asked if he could speak to the chief. Moses, a very old man, who could hardly walk, received us with open hands in his kraal for the night. Our hosts did not have many earthly possessions – one or two pots, and three plastic chairs. With difficulty, Moses brought us both a chair. He sat on the third one, and his wife, also a very old lady, sat on the ground. In one corner there is a very neatly built hut which they use to store their mahangu in. The family sleeps outside on the ground. They are happy and peaceful. We were blessed by the simplicity of their lifestyle. We thought that we had the bare minimum in our panniers but realized that we had far more in our bags than what is in this complete household.

The next evening we camped at Camp Ndurukoro situated on the banks of the Kavango River. Leonie Du Plessis offered us her best tent. The view over the Kavango river is incredible. We swam in the river in a croc-proof natural pool. Leonie invited us to braai at her house for the evening. We talked till late like old friends. Leonie sacrificed her fixed income and left city life to care for the orphaned kids in this area. It is incredible to see what she and her colleague, two ladies on their own, accomplished in only a few years time. Leonie inspired us so much. We will definitely visit camp Ndurukoro again.

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