Back to Africa FAQ

Posted by The Vagabond Adventures on 17 May 2010

What is Back to Africa?

Back to Africa is a non profit organisation which offers an alternative approach to the conservation of Africa’s wild animals.

Is Back to Africa an animal welfare charity?

No, although Back to Africa embraces animal welfare, their primary objective is the conservation of African animals.

How do Back to Africa help to conserve African animals?

Back to Africa restore animal populations in Africa in three ways 1) by relocating rare and endangered African species which they source from zoos around the world ‘back to Africa’ and establishing breeding programmes 2) by researching the circumstances that diminished wild populations in the first place and also how captive bred animals will adapt to living in the wild, and 3) by providing veterinary care to animals that have been injured as a result of man’s actions.

Why do we need Back to Africa?

Sadly, we live in an era of unprecedented numbers of species extinctions. More and more African animals are becoming critically endangered due to poaching, disease and the sprawl of urbanisation. If we don’t intervene with breeding programmes to halt this decline, one day it will be too late.

Why start breeding programs with animals from zoos rather than with just wild African animals?

Africa’s wild populations’ genetic integrity has suffered due to human habitation and fencing which has restricted their movements and created genetic bottlenecks. Back to Africa recognise zoos as vital metapopulations with which they can restore genetic diversity to African species.

Surely animals bred in zoos suffer from even worse inbreeding and are therefore of an inferior quality?

This is true, however, by out-breeding zoo animals with wild animals the gene pool is significantly widened which creates healthy offspring and a better chance of species survival. Essentially, Back to Africa restores genes to Africa which were plundered in the past in order to create zoos.

Are Back to Africa anti-zoo?

No, absolutely not. Back to Africa work alongside zoological institutions, forging relationships between them and conservationists in Africa. Back to Africa views zoos as not only an insurance against extinction, but as fundamental in the continuing survival of African species in the wild.

How do Back to Africa ensure that diseases from zoos are not introduced to wild animals in Africa?

Back to Africa are driven by veterinarians who specialise in animal diseases and constantly monitor the animals for a potential outbreak.

How do Back to Africa make sure that the same circumstances which have dwindled wild populations do not affect new breeding programmes?

As practitioners of veterinary medicine, Back to Africa are experts in curing and containing animals diseases. The offspring from these breeding programmes are generally healthier having benefited from a wider gene pool. Armed guards protect these animals from poachers. Back to Africa are involved in the development of wildlife corridors which are areas of habitat connecting wildlife populations separated by human activities (such as roads, development, or logging). In this way, they hope that one day, animals may resume a more natural migration pattern which will help to prevent the negative effects of inbreeding.

Isn’t it more important to assess the reasons that these wild animals are becoming extinct, for example their diminishing habitat, rather that reintroducing more animals?

Back to Africa are working alongside conservationists who are making great progress in establishing wildlife corridors throughout Africa. These allow wild animals to roam more freely as they once did before urbanisation. However, at this late hour, focusing on Africa’s diminishing habitat is not enough to ensure the survival of African species. For this reason, breeding programmes, scientific research into animal mortality’s and the protection of African animals are also essential.

Why should I donate to Back to Africa rather than another animal conservation charity?

Most conservation charities offer preventative measures to extinction, but Back to Africa believe that, in this time of rapidly diminishing animal populations, one must actually intervene. The majority of some species now live in one small area, making them incredibly vulnerable to extinction. The outbreak of disease or fire, for example, could wipe out an entire species. Certainly Back to Africa have an unconventional approach to this problem, but it is one that works and, ultimately, will help to ensure that animals continue to run wild in Africa.

Back to Africa is a relatively small charity, how can they make a difference?

The fact that Back to Africa is a small charity means that they do not have the same enormous administrative costs of a large charity. Back to Africa’s resources go directly into their current projects and so they achieve enormous results.

How do I make a donation?

You can donate to Back to Africa now from almost any country in the world and using almost any form of payment. Please help us support this worthwhile cause by making a donation now following Back to Africa FAQ.

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