Ferry madness and bustling Stone Town – getting ready for Zanzibar

Posted by Pedal2peak on 15 July 2009

We were in a frantic rush: the taxi driver had dropped us off at the wrong ferry terminal. The fast ferry for Zanzibar was leaving in less than fifteen minutes!

We reached the ticket office in time for one of the staff to run down to the wharf and stop the ferry from casting off. This cost us an extra 10 000Tsh each, but we made it. Within two and a half hours we would be in Zanzibar.

Caroline and I sat on the deck taking in the fresh sea air, while Marc winged his way into the wheelhouse to meet the captain and snap a few pictures and document the trip.

On arrival in Stone Town, we had to go through immigration. Zanzibarians feel independent from Tanzania and feel it is one step closer to being a republic if all tourists have to go through with immigration, even with my phobia of borders it was just another stamp in the passport. Through the gates into Stone Town.

We were mobbed by touts as we hit the streets. The narrow cobblestone streets wind and crisscross forming the maze known as Stone Town. Every alley way is bustling with vendors and shops. The architecture feels very Euro-cosmopolitan, lacking paint, but the middle eastern influence can be smelt and tasted in the array of aromas from each kitchen.

Stone Town is littered with history of its Swahili, Arabic, Asian and European residents. The romantic skyline of towering minarets, Arab forts, palaces and churches look down on the bustling cobbled maze below, which even at night feels unthreatening and relaxed.

We made friends with the guys from the Green Garden Restaurant, where we stored our backpacks after an unreal smoothie. They do not serve liquor, but have the prime location in Stone Town for a pub. All alleys lead to the Green Garden. Without a doubt they have the best smoothie menu I have ever seen. Every choice is a treat and you always leave thinking which one to order when you return.

Marc got in touch with his cousin Cathy van Biljon, who runs Reef Leisure Watersports on the eastern side of the island. He went over to get in touch and also visit Tammy, a friend who worked in England with Marc.

While Marc was on the east side of the island, Caroline and I adventured around the north.

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