Ethiopia: Love/Hate

Posted by Ryan Sanderson Smith on 8 March 2010

Entry: 3 February 2010 (Day 113) Place: Metema, Western Border
Exit: 8 March 2010 (Day 146) Place: Omo Valley, South Western Border

I had a love/hate relationship with Ethiopia.

I loved the people, with their breathtaking beauty, pride and unique language.
I hated that many expected and demanded handouts, were rude or tried to exploit us,

I loved the magnificent scenery and high, mountainous landscape.
I hated what it did to the LandCruiser: brake and engine overheating threats, 10 punctures in 2 days – 4 new tyres please.

I loved the unique cuisine of fermented injera bread with deliciously spicy stews, sauces and concoctions; not to mention the creamy avocado juices.
I hated what it did to my insides: stomach upset was as common as sunshine; and the water was largely unsafe to drink.

I loved that alcohol became available again and cheap beers were plentiful.
I hated the hangover; as well as the visible detrimental effect on many locals.

I loved that they had their own calendar, so it became 2002, and we were effectively 7 years younger.
I hated that we acted like it ?.

Ethiopia was a place that I couldn’t wait to leave, but miss terribly now that I have.

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