Video: British Airways’ choose your own YouTube adventure

Posted by Paul Maughan-Brown on 15 November 2013

Not too long ago we showed you Bryan Habana humiliating British Airways’ new A380 in a 100 metre sprint. That video can only be described as a very clever piece of online marketing on the part of the air travel giant. Instead of paying for a 30 second ad, of which people begrudgingly watch the first five seconds, eagerly anticipating the moment in which they can ‘skip ad’, British Airways is jumping on the free media bandwagon. Their latest cluster of “Discover Yourope” clips follows the simple formula of ‘make something people want to watch, but which simultaneously promotes your brand’.

The series, shot entirely on a first person-perspective cam, allows you to ‘choose your own adventure‘ in four different European cities. One minute clips of the punk and the posh in Berlin; the day and the night in Barcelona; the classic and the curious in Paris; and the old and the new in Rome show you what to expect from a day or evening in each of the iconic cities. The camera man’s charm must be second-to-none as he ends up sharing a beverage with a beautiful European woman almost without fail. Even if beautiful women aren’t your thing though, noshing tasty treats and scootering cobbled streets will almost certainly tickle your fancy.

DISCLAIMER: There is a good chance of this eating up eight minutes of your day in one minute instalments.

Can’t wait to get to Rome? Check out this best of Italy package deal from Getaway Travel.

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