Week 2: top photos from Expect #theUnexpected

Posted by Kati Auld on 11 April 2014

It’s Week 2 of our Expect #theUnexpected competition with Orms, and the heat is on!

If you also want to win one of these gorgeous Manfrotto Klyp photo kits for iPhone, here’s how you can enter!  Have a look at our favourite #theUnexpected moments from Week 2 below, from a surprise emergency on a Tanzanian ferry, to goldfish in a beer…

Week 1: top photos from Expect #theUnexpected

Week 2: Expect #theUnexpected photo competition


Vicki Pilcher, Drakensberg

Vicki Pilcher spotted this lone fisherman in the Drakensberg.

Sabiha Haffejee, Tanzania

This photo is explained with a hashtag story: #TheUnexpected#boatride #zanzibar #EnRoute# Tanzania #stranded #Nofuel #thunderstorm #lifejackets #Yusuf# unforgettable. We’d love to hear more, but it certainly seems unexpected!



Ross Couper, somewhere in the bush

Ross Couper finds that you can still get stuck in a traffic jam in the bush.


Caitlin Stott, Zanzibar

While on holiday with my family in beautiful Zanzibar, walking around Stone Town, I met these five children who I ended up playing with for the rest of the afternoon. No matter where you are, there are always friends to be made and photos to be taken! One of the most unexpected as well as rewarding experiences ever.


Lauren Joffe, Australia

Outside a bank in Australia. Made me stop & laugh. Photo by Lauren Joffe.

Brigid Prinsloo, Thailand

Very surprising to find goldfish in your beer cooler! Photo by Brigid Prinsloo

Punam Dave, near Grahamstown

This was on route from Fort Beaufort to Grahamstown on the R67. The scenery consists mostly of mountains & beautiful farms with crops & open fields, then all of a sudden there’s this HUGE dam: Waterdown Dam. It was such a wonderful stop, definitely unexpected. Photo by Punam Dave.


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