Photoblog: babies in the bush

Posted by Janine Avery on 17 May 2013

It is baby season! I don’t just mean those friends and families of yours that seem to be breeding like wild animals around you, while you are still stuck boyfriend/girlfriend less, I am referring to the actual wildlife. Game reserves and lodges throughout South Africa have joyfully welcomed some new, absolutely adorable, arrivals from lion cubs to elephant calves!

This cutie-pie was spotted chewing on its mom's tail at Royal Malewane

Source: Royal Malewane

With so much hideous rhino news, it is great to see some new additions to the dwindling family. This baby girl can be seen at Kariega Game Reserve.

Source: Kariega Game Reserve

Sanbona Wildlife Reserve has four new cheetah cubs! They are now about three months old so with that they are out and about and sightings of them are more and more common.

Source: Sanbona Wildlife Reserve

Just in time for Mother's Day Sanbona welcomes a baby elephant calf!

 Source: Sanbona Wildlife Reserve

This week the rangers at Royal Malewane Lodge stumbled along this mother cheetah with her two new-born cubs.

Source: Royal Malewane

At Cheetah Plains Game Reserve the hyena den seems to be home a new litter. This little guys are incredibly curious and have even tried to nimble a tyre or two on the game vehicles.

Image source: Cheetah Plains Private Game Reserve

This elusive leopard and her cub were spotted this week at Londolozi Game Reserve, a place known for its fantastic leopard sightings.

Image source: Londolozi

Earlier this year Inverdoorn Game Reserve welcomed two baby rhinos who were rescued when their mothers fell victim to poachers.

Image source: Inverdoorn Game Reserve

A hyena group has been spotted at Royal Malewane and amidst them are a few new youngsters.

Image source: Royal Malewane

In April this year, the rangers at Shamwari were treated to a number of serval sightings including this one of three little kittens!

Image source: Shamwari

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