Five fun and budget-friendly ideas for Valentine’s Day in Cape Town

Posted by Sarah Isaacs on 24 January 2012

Valentine’s Day is upon us and our credit cards are still recovering from the Christmas blow. The good news is that you don’t have to spend a fortune to be romantic. Here are five fun and budget-friendly ideas for Valentine’s Day in Cape Town. Happy loving!


Half-price sushi to go

Beluga, in Greenpoint, has platter specials starting at R89 (24 pieces) that could easily feed two. Grab one as a takeaway and pick up a bottle of sparkling wine from your closest liquor store. No danger of the sushi going cold, giving you time to set your lounge up like a five star restaurant complete with candles, flowers (picked from your yard) and schmoozy tunes. Your partner doesn’t need know that dinner came in at under 200 bucks and staying home means dessert is taken care of. Tel 021-418-2948


Catch a train

Cape Town’s train service might not be the snazziest way to travel but there’s something youthfully romantic about sitting across from each other as you chug along to a cool destination. A return train ride from Cape Town Central Station to Kalk Bay will cost you R50 and if you don’t have budget for a full lunch, pack sandwiches for the train ride. With food out of the way you can enjoy a bottle (or two) of wine at Polana. The leather couches overlooking the sea and big wrap around windows make it the perfect place to celebrate summer love. Tel 021-788-7162


Sunset snuggling

Valentine’s Day is on a Tuesday this year so you could spend the Saturday before shopping for a sunset picnic. The Neighbourgoods Market (Old Biscuit Mill, Woodstock) and the Houtbay Market (31 Harbour Road) are on every Saturday (get there early to beat the crowds), offering every kind of picnicking delight from chocolate to olives to organic wines. When Valentine’s rolls round you’ll have a basket full of treats that both of you have chosen so there’s no danger of he or she blowing up because someone forgot his or her favourite cheese.  The old blockhouse on Signal Hill is undersubscribed amongst Capetonians (even at full moon) so if you get there early you’re guaranteed a good spot, a great view and – if you’re lucky – a little privacy. The sun sets at 19h40 on the 14th.


Take a class

It might sound excruciatingly cheesy but creating something beautiful or tasty on Valentine’s Day is a great way to celebrate the occasion and you’ll have more than a hangover to show for it.

Art Jamming – art classes at R150 a class,

Samantha Morgan Ceramics – ceramic classes at R150 a class,

Chocolate Studio – chocolate making classes from R200 a class,


Go dancing

Few things are as sexy as a salsa dance between lovers. Worst-case scenario you’ll trample each other’s toes and have something to laugh about. Best case – you’ll kick start a new hobby, one that’ll keep those cockles burning long after Valentines Day has come and gone. Single classes from R40 a person, 6 weeks courses (6 classes) at R299 a person (the next course kicks off on Valentines Day),

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