Velddrif to Eland’s Bay – More hills and now also headwinds!

Posted by Circling The South on 3 March 2010

We left Velddrif just after 6am this morning and headed towards the town on Eland’s Bay. If there is one thing we quickly learnt it is that people are not to be trusted too much when it comes to judging distance… we were under the impression that we were in for an easy 60km cycle today but it turned out to be 75km in the end. The difference might not sound like a lot, but it does play on your mind if you think you are at the end of the road and then realize that you still have to do an extra 10km. Stefan had a bad puncture and by the time we fixed it and had something to eat it was about an hour later. By that time the wind has picked up and we were heading straight into the wind, which slowed us down considerably.

We reached Eland’s Bay at 3pm and treated ourselves to an ice cold beer in the hotel bar. I am afraid that was about the highlight Eland’s Bay has thus far provided. We pitched our tents in the hotel’s campsite which sits just above the municipal campsite. The municipal campsite looks tidy enough, but has no grass whatsoever. We opted for the grass of the hotel’s campsite, but it is sad to see a place with so much potential in such a beautiful setting being a bit neglected and untidy. A proper braai place at least would have been nice, but I guess that is the way it goes.

Tomorrow morning we will take the gravel railway service road to Lambert’s Bay and from there to Doringbaai, where we plan to rest for a day. On that note I must add that thus far our bodies has actually taken sudden large amounts of exercise pretty well and that we are still feeling relatively fresh. I just hope it stays that way!

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