Kamieskroon to Springbok – another day at the office

Posted by Circling The South on 10 March 2010

The road from Kamieskroon to Springbok delivered nothing out of the ordinary, it was more of the same rocky hills – the morning once again starting with a steep climb out of town to a higher altitude. After the climb we had the most glorious downhill ride for about 20km and from then it was mostly uphill and business as usual. Springbok was the first of our main beacons on the road. While planning this trip we always talked about having a beer in the bar of the Springbok. Do not ask me why, but the idea always seemed charming enough. We did just that and after that made our way to Springbok Campsite, a well kept campsite with helpful staff and some naughty little yellow mongooses sneaking around, always on the lookout for a morsel of food left behind by campers. Our bodies were a bit tired after cycling nine out of the past ten days, so we took a rest day at Springbok, just lounging around in the campsite, reading and relaxing all day long, just what we needed at this stage!

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