Travel photography: Gadgets you need to know about

Posted by Cameron Ewart-Smith on 17 February 2011

Tips for photography on the road

There’s one thing all good photographers agree on – people take awesome pictures, not gear. That said, there are one or two gadgets that make the world of difference when trying to make great travel images. By gadgets I don’t mean lenses, bodies and other expensive things. Rather, I’m referring to the little bits and bobs that make our lives as photographers easier on the road. For example, I always carry a sheet of tinfoil folded up in my bag (it’s roughly A3 size when unfolded) – not for my crack habit, as one photographer suggested, but to act as a small, versatile reflector for food and macro shots. I also have a couple of elastic bands with a toggle on them, which are great for attaching things to other things (I’ve used them to attach speedlights, hold my keys, seal bags – you name it).

I recently asked some of the top pros in the country what they carry and was amazed at the variety of suggestions (see below). I’ve certainly got things to add to my kit from this list and hopefully you will, too.

Gadget bits and bobs

  • A small LED torch or head torch
  • Karabiner
  • Small microfibre cloth in old plastic film container
  • A small roll of gaffer tape
  • CF memory card holders attached to a lanyard
  • Lighter
  • Two prong multi-adaptor for international use
  • Cable ties
  • Rubber bands
  • Mini locks for securing zips
  • Compass (to check sunrise and sunset directions)
  • Heavy duty blower – for cleaning the sensor
  • A roll of Ziploc bags
  • Small windcheater which folds into its own pocket
  • Swiss army knife or multitool
  • Black bags in case it rains or you need to cross a river
  • Latex gloves

Remember when composing your pictures to scrutinise your entire frame, concentrating on the edges. There is nothing worse than a great shot ruined by chopping off the subject’s foot or a branch sticking in one side of your photograph.

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