Camping-proof banana pancakes recipe

Posted by Sarah Graham on 2 October 2010

These banana pancakes are totally camping proof – when Sean mixed this all together he didn’t actually measure anything. He just went with his gut.

Rob’s Rating: 7/10 (He would like to add that this is on the Bush Rating scale, different to the Fine Dining scale of course).

All credit to Sean and Tesni for this recipe, who in turn credit their Aussie-Kenyan mates Ryan (aka our valiant pilot for the purpose of flying over the Mara) and Anna.



Serves 4 | Preparation time 5 minutes | Cooking time 10 minutes

  • 225g plain flour (roughly 1 cup)
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 2 large eggs, beaten
  • 30g butter, melted and cooled
  • 300ml milk (roughly 1 cup)
  • Butter for frying
  • 1 Kenyan-sized banana, or 2 regular pleb bananas, peeled and roughly chopped
  • Syrup (maple is best but in the bush anything will do)
  • Optional: 250g packet bacon


Cooking method

  1. Mix dry ingredients together, preferably in a jug for easy pouring into the pan
  2. Add eggs, butter and milk in stages, mixing well each time
  3. Add the banana and mix in gently
  4. Heat a large frying pan on the fire/gas burner, adding about 1tsp butter
  5. Pour enough batter in to cover the base of the pan – I cooked extra large ones and then cut them up afterwards to save us agonising over cooking lots of mini ones given that we were famished
  6. You’ll know it’s ready to flip when you see gentle bubbles on the surface of the pancake, then turn and give it about 1 minute on the other side. (Now as you can see from the pictures, ours were by no means perfect, the wind wasn’t helping and they are verging on the charred end of “˜golden’ but I can gladly guarantee that they tasted unbelievable.)
  7. In a separate pan fry the bacon.
  8. Serve while hot with syrup.
  9. Enjoy the view!

* You can get really bush-wise and pre-mix the dry ingredients before leaving home so that you then just need to add the eggs, melted butter and milk before cooking.

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