Charley Boorman in Africa, day 5

Posted by Rob House on 23 August 2010

Mountain high, valley low

Small groups left early this morning, all eager to head off on the next stage of this two-wheeled adventure. Long plumes of dust hung in the air long after they had left with the next group taking their time for the dust to settle before they too left their own dust trails hanging in the air.

Our initial route on the D207 was remarkably good as it wound its way through a remote landscape dotted with tussock-like grass and distant, charcoal coloured mountains. Before a quick lunch stop we diverted into Fish River Canyon to gawp at this spectacular rift in the earth. Fish River Canyon is some 160kilometres long and 550 metres deep and standing on the edge you can almost feel the world slowing. Africa’s heartbeat was beginning to take hold.

A freshly revamped Canon roadhouse welcomed us for lunch amid their trademark oldsmobile collection, but all too soon it was time to hit the road as the temperature climbed higher. Back on the road the gravel crunched under our wheels as we headed for our overnight destination, some 160kilometres distant.

Giant lumbering grading machines have mostly kept the roads in a fantastic condition, but novices and experts alike need to be on their guard as a momentary lapse of concentration can make the heart miss a beat as the bike wobbles alarmingly. It was in one of these lapses that one of our younger tribe members came adrift. The result was a dent to both bike and pride, but luckily no harm done.

This is Africa – she bites when least expected, but that’s why we’re here isn’t it.

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